
Terran Confederation:
An alliance of worlds of the inner galaxy. Made up of over 100 worlds, they are the peace keepers and military might of the galaxy. They are lead by a senate based on the Human home world of Terax Prime. The Senate use Seers as council in military and civil matters.

Sembian Empire:
A military power almost matching the Terran Confederation. Their leadership is based in military order. A warrior race, their only agenda is to expand the empire. Realizing the power available to them, they use Dark Seers as commanders and warriors. They occupy the outer reaches of the galaxy.

Scholars by trade, warriors by necessity. They are in tune with the powers of the universe. Although they have the ability to use these powers to almost no end, they use them to help instead of harm. The Seers have an affinity for nature. This shows not only in their clothing, varying shades of green depending on taste, but also in their auras, also varying shades of green. They are a stoic group renouncing emotion for a greater understanding of the universe. Their symbol is a five pointed star with a green gem in the center. Apart from their symbol a Seer will always be seen wearing a Sakashi, a self made blade infused with the powers of its creator. They are lead by a council of five grand masters, also based on Terax Prime.
Ranks: Apprentice, Adept, Master Adept, Master, Grand Master.

Dark Seers:
Not long after the first confrontation between the Terran Confederation and the Sembian Empire a group of Seers desiring power, lead by Grand Master Astar Adriel, left Terax Prime and pledged their allegiance to the Sembian Empire.

~~Our Heroes~~

Alexander DeLocke:
Born to a rich family on the Tarax Prime, he excelled through school, graduating the top of his class in all of his primary schools. He enlisted in the Terran Confederation Space Navy at the age of 17 and was immediately sent to the Naval Academy. Specializing in avionics and space combat, he again graduated top of his class and was given a commission as a Lt. J.G. Over a period of 10 years he was promoted to Lt. Commander and was given control of the fighter wings attached to the elite Alpha Fleet. Although in a command position he always thought his place was with his men on the front lines. He flew wing commander for his hand picked fighting squadron “Death Spades”. During his tenure as a flight commander he fought and won many battles against the Sembian Empire. During a battle his flight was ordered to destroy a group of civilian and transport ships, after which he resigned his commission and left the Navy.
Disowned by his family for leaving the Navy early, he became a privateer. He used all of what wealth he had to buy his own ship, and re-outfit it not only to carry cargo, but also enough weapons to be an attack vessel in it’s own right. After working for himself and making a living for 5 years he was tracked down by the Confederation and arrested on supposed piracy charges.

Jensa Tevarin (Master/Lady Tevarin):
Orphaned as a baby she was taken in by the Seers. Being surrounded by the Seers powers, and having her own innate ability, made her one of the most formidable Seers alive. During a mission where she was sent to work with Alpha Fleet, she met Alexander. Against her training she fell in love with him, and denounced the Seer way to join him after he left the fleet. Although she is no longer a member of the illustrious Seers she retains her powers and Sakashi. When Alexander was captured she was able to avoid detection which allowed her to escape.

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